We have been fortunate to work with clients who are committed to sustainable development, energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction. We also recognize our own responsibility to contribute to these efforts. And we’re doing all we can to discharge that responsibility,
Planting Trees.

In recognition of the incredible amounts of paper that lawyers have traditionally used in their practices, we’ve pledged to plant 10,000 trees through American Forests® within 5 years.
Investment Decisions and Entrepreneurial Pursuits.

Jack Donenfeld has demonstrated his personal commitment to the environment in connection with his investment decisions and entrepreneurial pursuits. He is a Managing Director of the General Partner of a private equity fund that has invested in tropical hardwood trees on three plantations in the Republic of Nicaragua. All of the timber assets are Rainforest Alliance Smartwood, certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and managed to provide for perpetual growing and harvesting, as well as the long-term protection of wildlife, plants, soil and water quality. The hardwood is sold in international markets and is utilized by affiliated timber processing and product manufacturing businesses that own extensive wood-processing and manufacturing facilities in Managua, Nicaragua. As FSC states, their certification standards “guarantee that wood material originates from socially and environmentally responsible forest operations that fulfill the FSC Principles and Criteria.”
Support for Client Initiatives.
We support our clients’ environmental and sustainable development initiatives by offering 15% off our standard rates for real estate projects that are or seek to be registered under the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED®) program administered through the United States Green Building Council.
Our Business Practices.
We have implemented and continue to seek sustainable business practices for ourselves. This includes making a conscientious attempt to avoid printing documents whenever possible. For example, we handle almost all communications with clients and other counsel by email. This often involves transmitting and receiving voluminous documentation that would otherwise consume a great deal of paper. We also urge others to avoid printing documents and papers whenever possible by including in every email that we send a request that the recipient carefully consider his or her reasons for printing the email before doing so. If we all “think before we print”, we’re convinced that less paper will be used, and many trees will be saved. We avoid unnecessary travel by suggesting video conferencing as an alternative to meetings that would otherwise require travel. Lastly, we use FSC Certified 100% post-consumer waste recycled paper in marketing materials, business cards and stationery and 30% recycled post consumer waste recycled paper for general copying and printing. We are proud of our accomplishments to date, and continue to develop new initiatives. We welcome the opportunity to discuss our commitment to sustainability and look forward to working towards a “greener” future.